
霧紋桑舞蛾(Choreutis ophiosema)被歸屬於舞蛾科 / 擬捲葉蛾科(Choreutidae)。本種的前翅為黃褐色底,有許多黑色與銀色斑紋散佈;後翅為褐色,外緣靠臀角處、後緣與中室下方和前方有黃色斑。霧紋桑舞蛾被分類於ophiosema種群,是該種群中唯一的成員。
A Brief Introduction:
Choreutis ophiosema represents the only species belonging to ophiosema species and looks similar to Choreutis hyligenes. But these two species could be identified by the following characters: 1.the former with more developed dark markings near tornus of forewing than the latter; 2. the former with more developed yellow markings of hindwing than the latter.

創用CC條款創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性 4.0台灣(CC BY-NC 4.0 TW)創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性 4.0台灣(CC BY-NC 4.0 TW) 作者:施禮正 資料提供 臺灣蛾訊 MOTHS of Taiwan 上次更新 2013-07-24